The simplest place to find your differentiation

Justin Zack
1 min readMar 2, 2021

What a good artist understands is that nothing comes from nowhere. All creative work builds on what came before. — Austin Kleon, Author, Steal Like An Artist

Photo by Di_An_h on Unsplash

Steal like an artist and learn to copy.

Copying isn’t stealing. It’s reverse-engineering.

Reverse engineer your competitors business and get into their mind. See like them so you can sharpen your thinking.

Borrow from their ideas and add your own twist. Pay close attention to their value points and differentiate yourself.

If you are building a product or thinking about building one, look to your competitors or other product creators to break free of any creative ruts you are in.

Put yourself in their shoes. How would they approach the problem you are attempting to solve?

Take on the mind of another brand. Scour their website and look for the value points that resonate with their market.


What’s your take on that?

Bring your voice to it.

How do you see it differently than they do?



Justin Zack

Project leader. Product thinker. Write about human things. Find me at